V School

This project entails creating a curriculum, processes, platforms, and brand materials to support students on their journey through mastery-based learning in an online, remote environment.

I worked as the sole designer alongside our executive and management team to deliver design solutions for V School’s website, internal tools, UX/UI design program, and marketing team.


V School


UX/UI Design | Instructional Design | Brand Design


Director of Design | Design Program Director

About the Users

Every V School Student is Unique

When it comes to V School’s user base, it is safe to say that no one student is like the other. The primary groups of users that make up our user base can be defined as follows.

Career Transitioners

This user group includes individuals who have launched a previous career through traditional means (University, College, etc) and are now looking to transition into a career in tech. Career transitioners are motivated by factors such as current income, job satisfaction, and job security.

Limited Historical Access

The opposite of your "Ivy League Tech Bro". V School works directly with population groups that historically have not had access to pathways to enter careers in tech. These individuals are motivated by factors like current income, scholarship opportunity, Income share agreements, and other financing options.

Military Service Members

Around 40% of V School's students are active or former military service members. These individuals are looking to transition from military to civilian life while launching a meaningful career. These individuals are motivated by job security, work community, and military benefits (G.I. BIll, Vocational Rehab, etc.).

Problems & Opportunities

Unique Students Require Unique Outcomes

V School initially launched as a 12-week in-person bootcamp program. We learned during this period that a time-based approach to learning made it extremely difficult to create consistent student outcomes.

Varying Levels of Aptitude

Every student that arrives to our program arrives with a different aptitude or ability level in the skill or profession they plan to pursue. Aptitude levels can effect overall performance in the program and had a direct impact on how long a non-time-based program will take to complete.

Varying Levels of Experience

Every student that arrives to our program arrives with different previous experiences. Some of these previous experiences support a future career in tech, while other experiences don't. For example someone with a marketing background may have relevant experience for working in a design related role while an individual who worked as a bartender or mechanic, will need more professional experience in order to make a successful career transition into tech.

Motivating Students in Online/Remote Environments

When students aren't being watched in a classroom, they are left to be personally accountable instead of relying on instructors and TA's. A remote learning environment makes it difficult for students to stay motivated because they are missing the community aspect that they get from a physical classroom.

Process & Solutions

Design Process

Remaining Constantly Curious
  • Competitive analysis of both direct and indirect competitors
  • Expert interviews
  • Student surveys
  • Student assessments/interviews
Maintaining an Agile Mindset
  • MVP Mentality - Launch quickly
  • Design by experiment - Learn what is and isn't working
  • Make regular improvements and changes

Design Solutions

Responsive Learning

To ensure consistent student outcomes we transitioned from a time-based learning model to a mastery-based learning model we call "Responsive Learning"

The following methods are used to ensure consistent outcomes and skills for the students who complete our program:

  • Progressive disclosure of course content by breaking the course into stages and levels
  • Consistent feedback on assignments and exercises to create an environment of critique and coaching
  • Level assessments to ensure skills mastery before moving forward

Stage 2 - The Experience Stage

To help solve the problem of students arriving with varying levels of related work experience, we developed stage 2 of the program "The Experience Stage".

This stage helps us solve the following problems:

  • Graduation = landing a full-time job in tech (students were formerly considered "graduated" after completing the skills course (Stage 1)
  • Students get access to opportunities to build experience through internships, apprenticeships, and paid contract work.
  • Students receive career guidance and support from our students success mentor team.

Motivation and Accountability in a Remote Learning Environment

We have attempted to re-create the in-person learning experience as much as possible in a remote environment.

We increase motivation and create accountability with our students by:

  • Providing a balance of asynchronous (independent remote) and live (group workshops, reviews, assessments) learning experiences
  • Meeting with students frequently to give consistent feedback and critique on assignments and projects
  • Introducing the Student Success Mentor role - Students meet with success mentors regularly for accountability and to create timeline goals

What's Next?

Update Student Tracking to Improve Student Progress

The next step to improve the student experience even further is to move the curriculum and course content onto our own learning management system.

This will allow us to track student behavioral data to gain a better understanding of how and when we can help students stay on track.

Project Resources

Curriculum Development

Total Active Design Students


Total Design Students Enrolled


Total Design Students In Careers


Median Starting Salary


UX/UI Design Course Syllabus
View UX/UI Program Syllabus

Brand and UI Design

V School Brand Guide
View V School Brand Guide
Lotus Design System Library
View Library (Access Available Upon Request)

Other work

Let's see what we can create together next!

Contact me at codywporter@gmail.com